Dedicated to providing quality service

Roof Insurance

Wind and hail damage are accepted as insurance losses on most homeowner insurance policies. The majority of insurance companies will pay the complete replacement cost minus the deductible for the material and labor required to perform roof repair and replacement in Peachtree City, GA. At Dedicated Roofing of Georgia, we provide accident and weather-related roofing services in addition to assisting you with your roof damage insurance claim.

Dedicated to providing quality service

Roof Repair Insurance Coordination

We can assist you with the necessary communication that needs to occur between you and your insurance company, even meeting up with your insurance adjuster if needed. Our involvement can help you avoid the situation in which your insurer provides you with a roof insurance claim settlement that fails to cover the costs of your damage or, in the worst case, denies your claim.

With Dedicated Roofing of Georgia, your only responsibility is to pay your insurance deductible. We accept what your insurer will pay for your roof damage claim in addition to your deductible and provide you with exceptional quality roof repair or replacement services.

Dedicated to providing quality service

Roof Hail Damage Insurance Claim

During a hailstorm, much of the hail that impacts your roof and home may be too small to produce visible damage. However, sometimes hail is large enough or irregularly shaped in a way that can cause extensive damage that may not be quickly apparent – for example, the damage may not result in immediate signs of roof leaking, but evidence of leaking may show up down the road soon after future rain and storms pass through.

The best course of action is to have your roof inspected by our experienced team to validate your potential roof leak insurance claim or other types of roof damage claim.

Dedicated to providing quality service

Help With Roofing Insurance Near Peachtree City, GA

If you need help with your home insurance claim for roof repair in Peachtree City, GA, call our team today at 770.892.6665, or fill out our contact form.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will My Homeowner’s Insurance Cover Roof Leaks?

This may vary based upon your specific policy. Generally, homeowner’s policies will detail specific circumstances where they will cover a roof leak. They may not cover a roof replacement over a leak, but they may pay for a repair of interior damage caused by the leak. We can help you navigate the process of working with your insurance to get the best result possible.

Will My Homeowner’s Insurance Cover Roof Replacement?

As mentioned previously, every homeowner’s policy may vary some so the best way to know for sure is to contact your insurance company. In general, homeowner’s policies cover roof replacement, no matter the age of your roof, if the damage is considered an “act of nature.” If your roof is old and fails, policies will not cover the replacement because of a clause related to general maintenance responsibility of the homeowner. We are happy to help you navigate your claim with insurance to achieve the best outcome.

Our process is simple.


Check in with our team to see what time best works for your free consulation.


At this stage, we will analyze your situation, inspect your roof, and provide an estimate.


Our production manager will meet with you to discuss expectations and deadline.


This is the part where you get to relax. We come in and complete the job professionally.


We will walk through with our team to make sure we leave your home better than we found it.

Let us show you the dedicated roofing difference for Free

Free No Obligation Consultation
Scheduled at a Time Convenient For You. 

We want the opportunity to show you how much better your experience can be by choosing Dedicated Roofing. Schedule a free consultation with one of our professionals to see how our process and services far exceed your typical home service
experience. We stand behind our quality, craftsmanship, and customer care. Schedule your free consultation today because the only thing you possibly have to lose are your


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